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2019-12-29 On how "time " works in conserved universe.
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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
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Post subject: 2019-12-29 On how "time " works in conserved universe.
Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:39 am |
(revised 2019-12-29, 7-31-16) Removed 'Comments' from title.
Why does time for we observers = life forms go in one direction from the past to the future = entropy always increases; yet the Laws of physics are bidirectional = symmetrical? e.g. you see a movie of a building demolition and it falls into a pile of rubble, but reverse the movie and the building seemingly puts itself back together, which our physics laws allow.
The answer is simple, the laws of physics allows an independent actor = a life form to move things around as long as they put some effort into it. No work, no magical rebuilding. In short, a form of time travel, as long as one goes faster than the rubble. That is easy since it just lays there until something exogenous acts on it. What is hard, of course, is to actually rebuild the building which requires someone to act anti-entropically = put in a lot of concentrated energy and effort to rebuild.
To analyze time travel by life forms we must first define what the NOW means = define what a conserved universe is. Every experiment we do rests on the fact that the amount of energy/matter measured at start of experiment = measurement amount afterwards. It always adds up to the beginning amount at end of experiment, or something exogenous has interfered.
So given the universe is conserved, then that directly implies that all of it exists simultaneously. Which at first seems to violate special relativity. As we shall see it does not. All relativity says is that looking at one another from different points on surface of space time moving at different percentages of c means that our clocks seem to speed up or slow down with respect to one another and foreshortening in direction of travel occurs between observers. When you think about it, that actually implies a simultaneous conserved existence for observers residing in our universe.
Given that the whole universe exists simultaneously, and since all measurements show it remains conserved instantaneously as entanglement shows. Physicists call this spooky instant action at any distance = FTL; then the real question is "How does it do that?"; "What geometry allows instant transmission of changes in particle states to happen?".
The answer is a Moebius geometry. That geometry puts severe limits on what Hows are possible = the necessary forces working to keep the number of plus/minus pair particles on opposite sides of the Moebius surface in equality. All of our base physics equations require equal amounts of matter and ant-matter to exist; ergo all basic forces work so as to maintain that identity..
So far we do not know where the anti-matter is. On a Moebius, it is right on the other side of the surface, by inspection.
Time is funny. Everyone seems to think we can time travel. In fact we do if going faster than something else is time travel. But in the sense of going into the past or future as in sci-fi books, not a chance. Only the NOW exists. St. Augustine was right about that, the past is gone, the future has not been created yet. How to go FTL shown by where light from your destination is.
We of course can go FTL to other parts of the Now as long as we do not violate your personal time-line. Since this is testable, we shall see.
More later, I will discuss Einsteins definition of time and show why physicists missed what he meant about simultaneity.
7-31-16 From "The Special and General Theory" 1920
"Events which are simultaneous with reference to the embankment are not simultaneous with respect to the train, and vice versa (relativity of simultaneity). Every reference-body (co-ordinate system) has its own particular time; unless we are told the reference body to which the statement of time refers, there is no meaning in a statement of the time of an event."
12-29-19 Hold it there. "there is no meaning in a statement of the time of an event." That really as a question, by inspection an observer is seeing something happen like "the train" at the same time it passes adjusted for transit time of speed of light from train.
Ergo time is our common denominator = measure of simultaneity.
Here is where you see Einsteins "Missed implication", 'How we can measure our speed with respect to c.'.
Wait a minute? "there is no meaning in a statement of the time of an event." But we can with respect to c, so is not that a measure of time with respect to "simultaneous"?
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Last edited by Dan on Sun Nov 01, 2020 8:42 am; edited 4 times in total
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