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Affecting Earth 8-17-2009 Who do we need? How can You help?

8-15-09 I feel we have been blessed with almost three years. I thought we were dead on July 16, 2009. Thank God for wrong predictions. Each of you who live on Earth face the same responsibility I and my wife do. Don't act, don't help, stick your head in the sand, and then we all fry including you, your children, everyone you love. These two asteroid conjunctions could only have been done by E-Ts who think enough of us to warn us. The whole universe lies before us, all we have to do is accept the costs of continuing to create a future for life on Earth = wake up and work together.

Building the List has been like building a mirror that describes the state of our civilization and also mine. I will add to the list when any new Who is Needed come up.

6-26-08 List of Who can Helps and How. About us as a people. About me.

Who Do We Need.

1. Either the President acts or Congress must force the executive to declassify and immediately release all info they have on E-Ts and their ships and technology. We need ASAP. I need to explain how we navigate this E-T ship clearly. For that I need to know what our Govt has learned about how these ships work, and what they can do. I need these facts to put theory into practice.

2. The Disclosure Project needs to be joggled. They went silent after their first National Press Club press conference about their 400 plus ex-government witnesses, and giving private Congressional and Presidential level briefings that confirmed my assertions that the USA government knows about UFOs and has captured ships, etc. I can not get the time of day out of them or any other official "UFOs Are Real" organizations, like MUFON. Ain't 'three monkey societies' wonderful?

3. Some professional Phd mathematicians need to check out my e|phi assertion.
How To Use a Circle To Relate 'e' to Phi.

First implication: This will let us unify all the other 'irrational constants', I believe that at present 32 can not be tied to the other constants.

Second implication: FTL navigation in a Moebius geometry universe.

By the way, this of course implies we can 'square the circle' using only a straight edge. I have been saving solving this problem for later. I am curious as to how a mathematician purported to prove this could not be done. I doubt if he used a 'straight edge'? I bet he used mathematical symbols. Symbols ain't reality, a straight edge is.

4. Hey astronomers, Please check out my prediction about Where Another Life bearing Planet May be.

5. Who is going to ask me what the "Repulsive Force" is?

6. Who will do the Needed A-M Debt Disconnection Tools & Must Dos.? Register and then say what you will do please.

With these Disconnection Needs met and above all, the US government releases the E-T ship(s) it is keeping secret from us, a disconnection is trivially simple. Three ships would be nice, but one will do.

In addition; we need to know everything our government has learned about the E-Ts, especially about what we have learned about these ships operations and what the E-Ts have said to our governments, I mean everything; this disconnection is trivially simple. The E-Ts may have said something that can help.

7. Who will contact Congress and the President and give Mr. Bush a chance to rehabilitate himself? That has to be you, gentle reader, citizen of Earth, fellow candidate for being part of the gas cloud called the "Afterglow" by astronomers that earth is about to become next July 16, 2009.

Who will Register, I know that some among you will stand beside my wife and I and demand that our leaders honestly seek the truth NOW.

6-26-08 About me

I am a pinhead scientist. I want the truth of things. I can not stand discrepancies in a theory. I am absent minded and would be very sloppy without my wife. I hate injustice. I can have a sharp tongue, four years in the USMC helps with that. I never quit.

About us as a people.

A society that, by inspection, never talks about Public Honesty or Seeking the Truth can not possibly call itself civilized. I know that my wife and I are not alone in being honest and seeking the truth; but the fact that our leaders are are Not explicitly saying and swearing to do so, can only mean that our 'establishment leaders' are acting like a Three Monkey Society.

This unconsciously evolved leadership style is designed to prevent any high leader from being held accountable for Crimes in Office. These leaders make sure that anyone below them in their leadership pecking order sees, hears, and speaks no evil about high leaders. They buy our news media and then their lies and public contradictions are not reported. Soon, all we talk about is celebrity gossip, about how people are doing in our social pecking order.

Above all, blatant crimes in high office are ignored by legislators whose sworn constitutional duty is to remove them from office. When high leaders are not brought to Law, then democracy dies, tyranny returns, and free speech dies.

Science rests on free speech; and free speech requires democracy; for then words, evidence, and reason, not swords, decide. It is a scientists job to explain so that any citizen with a decent high school education can understand.

I seek the truth, who will Help my wife and I try to save our planet from a death by your choosing inaction.? Register and join the list now.

Posted by admin 2008-06-27 09:07:01
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