01-16--09, the date of Latest Change(s) to Pre-Beta site.
Saturday, April 21, 2007 (21:25:30)
Posted by admin
The date in front of article title shows when the latest change(s) to this and the other articles is made. Here I will record the major editing changes I make, explain why I make changes, explain why I add articles, comment on Interface progress and the state of public affairs as it relates to N1CL. I will date and headline what I have done except for minor spelling and punctuation changes. This should help those of you who visit to see if any changes have been made since last visit. To see "Latest changes on site" go to block on upper right. (4-26-07 rewrote, 4-30-07 edited) n1cl-1
5-20-07 I am going to add a 'Cost estimate' blog in my Forum. A serendipitous meeting with some potential lenders made me realize that I had not been thinking through the necessities of our situation clearly. Since I have already 'sold' the N1Cl to its present and future members, this 'Estimate' is due them. My job is to show lenders why N1CL WOU units will be so valuable in the future. A triple A loan.
01-16-09 Edit Front Page upper box.
01-14-09 Posted e|Phi topic to google sci/math group. Minor
edit of topic.
01-13-09 Edit forum permissions. Had all instead of
registered in Post permissions in some member
01-10-09 Edit News, added "the A-M Ball's".
Edit "Exactly where on 'earth's orbit is
'wormhole opening'?
01-09-09 Edit 'News' the 'minimize time".
01-08-09 Added 'easily'.
Added "Exactly where on 'earth's orbit is
'wormhole opening'? to top News.
Added as topic also.
01-06-09 Send e-mails to embassys.
Edit top News.
01-05-09 Edit top News.
01-04-09 Edit top News.
Edit "Front Page" top box.
01-02-09 Added "How to Disconnect" to top News.
Change 'Member forum' button to "QUESTION MEMBERS!".
12-27-08 Edit Front page, moved over to Front Page article.
Edit static News page.
12-26-08 Edit News.
Change P 1 headline to "Scientist Says Time Left
for Us to STOP Sun Explosion next July 16 is".
Added 'User Info, box to Front page, logon and
12-24-08 Remove abstract from News and put into topic.
12-23-08 Edit Abstract.
12-22-08 Carl finished Ad policy in Header.
12-21-08 Remove "Should The Rest Of You Want To" from
'News Page' title.
Add Abstract to it and Home Operations.
12-20-08 Edit Logical Observational Discrepancy Forum title.
Edit common to all title.
Personal Comment.
12-19-08 Added Prevention para to Front Page(FP).
Added Blow-First to members box on FP.
12-18-08 Edit front Page. I think we are close to done.
Little time left to edit
12-17-08 Changed advertising policy, only members can
advertise since they answer questions from anyone.
Cancel Google AdSense.
Personal Comment.
Marko has finished Q&A. Mark & Carl to install.
Edit Q&A
12-16-08 Edit top News
12-15-08 Edit Front Page.
Added "To Advertise you must become a Full Member."
to user agreement.
Brought Member forums up to date.
12-14-08 Edit user agreement.
Edit Front Page headline.
12-13-08 Transferred result of past 5 days Front Page edits
to Front Page article.
12-12-08 Discrepancy Forum worked on topics added Biggest
Scientific... & Biggest Discrepancy... links to
save Earth link box.
Edit top box front Page.
Message Tree comment about us as a society.
Add Personal Comment.
12-11-08 Worked w Marko on q&A, it is almost done. To
install tomorrow. He finally sees how it works and
boy it went fast.
12-10-08 Added topic, "Greatest scientific discovery since
soft ice cream."
Edit "view reality.....topic.
12-09-08 Added, "How Long To Know We Are Disconnected?"
Added, scroll picture block to Front Page.
Added link block to Front page.
Edit Front page.
12-08-08 Put log on/off menu at top left and in register bar.
Edit Front Page, change Purpose headline. Like old
Intro on what & Why, lets use it as a good summary
of everything on Home Operations.
12-07-08 Edit Front page.
Changed 'title of "On Doing Science" forum to
"Logical & Observational Discrepancies in present
Scientific Theories.".
Added two topics to above Forum.
Added Personal Comment.
12-05-08 Edit Front page.
12-04-08 Edit Front page. getting close to done.
12-03-08 Edit Front page. Move to article.
12-02-08 Edit top News page.
12-01-08 Edit top News page.
Edit 'What is required to stop it' article.
Created 'My Scientific Discoveries' in my forum.
Edit 'Home Operations'.
Personal Comment
11-30-08 Edit Front Page
Edit user agreements.
Carl fixed 'name address fields to make "required &
11-28-08 Edit Front page top box, moved most inside.
11-26-08 Edit Front Page top box, added headline above box.
Q&A w. Marko, getting close to done.
Made e|Phi topic an article.
Reordered News stories.
Added comment on crop circle pictures in Photo
11-25-08 Edit Q&A procedures.
Change two enter bars on Front page to side by
side, top going to left.
Personal Comment.
11-23-08 Edit Front Page box.
Edit message Tree dirtections.
Send in changes to msg tree.
11-21-08 Added topic on No Questions From Anyone
Added forum Doing Science
Change Front Page headline to "Time Left To HELP
Prevent Sun Explosion From Frying YOU!".
Changed YOU in headline to "you/US!"
11-2O-08 Removed anonymous whistle blower e-mail ad, can not
figure out how to do without a human in the middle.
Work on fixing Message Tree module.
Adding Search Engine to it.
Edit Q&A from Marko feedback.
Edit Q&A procedures.
Edit Front Page top box.
Rearrange Left Blocks.
11-19-08 Edit Custom Categories to Personal in navigation
Worked on "Message Tree".
11-18-08 Edit "What the List is For" art.
Added top header button Anonymous Questioner/non-
member Register, Message Tree, & Internal private
message system buttons.
Edit User Agreements.
Edit 'Navigation Links".
11-17-08 Removed 'bankruptcy ads' from as sense.
How reorder buttons with
11-16-08 Edit Top box Front Page.
Edit 'Home Page'.
11-15-08 Edit "Forum Info" box.
Entry "Climate Disruption" article.
Entry eq. log.
11-14-08 Edit Front Page.
Edit static Sun art. top News.
11-13-08 Test Q&A.
11-11-08 Added "Poker Story, Why You Take Insurance".
11-10-08 Added public forums.
Add 'climate disruption' article entry.
Add URL to "dimwit" block.
Change top box Front Page.
Edit, "What is required to stop our Sun from
11-08-08 Edit Home operations "My scientific Scalps".
Topic on Moebius geometry.
Edit Einstein article, minor date error last entry.
11-07-08 Copied 9-24-08 to 10-24-08 personal comments over
to article.
Added new personal comment.
Fixed Einstein title.
Sent e-mail to http://www.space.com/community about
Einstein & Sun.
Edit 3MS topic.
11-06-08 Rewrote Front Page. Put countdown clock back.
Rewrote top News.
11-04-08 Added Front page article storing Top Box changes.
Added new comment Front page Top box.
11-03-08 Edit Front Page
11-01-08 Edit 'The Story'
Edit Einstein article, added 3rd postulate.
Edit 'Home page article.
Edit Coase article.
Climate disruption article entry.
10-30-08 P 1 refined crash prediction.
Added Google Adsense. Neat to have ads.
10-28-08 Climactic crash prediction P 1.
Changed where '<' is placed to create bigger
10-24-08 edit page 1,
edit top Home operations story, rewrote top 2 para.
Add personal comment on crash and what needs to be
10-23-08 edit page 1, add three monkey link.
edit top Home operations story, add three monkey
10-17-08 Added 'catastrophic collapse' to front page w. date
with re-edit.
10-11-08 Edit Home operations, added preface, comment para
to be changed as needed.
Edit Front Page.
10-10-08 Edit top Home operations.
10-09-08 Edit top box page 1.
Test Q&A module.
Add comment.
10-07-08 Edit top box page 1.
10-06-08 More edit top box Front page.
10-05-08 Edit title Home Operations.
Remove and replace top para, top box P 1.
Add comment.
Removed from top para, " Biggest personal civic gift: The N1CL gives you, your business, your organization the only way you can show by deed, that your words and your veracity can be trusted by all on Earth. There can be no greater gift to us than good information, and no greater gift to yourself than a good reputation.
and replaced with " The N1CL's Prime Function is to discover who has honor on Earth; who keeps their word; who seeks the truth. Only those with honor can be trusted to give us the greatest civic gift of all, good public information, while giving themselves the greatest personal asset of all, a good reputation."
9-30-08 Edit top of Home Operations.
9-29-08 Edit top of Home Operations.
9-28-08 Fixed top story News Module edit box.
9-27-08 Edit Sun Story at top News.
Fix 'top story' module on News, can not use DF block
to edit as Top Story as it stays on top of all News
articles links.
Add comment.
9-23-08 Edit Coase article.
9-09-08 to 9-23-08 Personal Comments moved to art.
Added Personal Comment.
9-22-08 Smolin e-mail, I think I will make a topic.
9-21-08 More debugging of Q&A w Marko.
Edit Home Page.
rearrange order of News Stories on Home operations.
Edit 'The Story'
9-20-08 Add my name to News page headline.
Change Headline of top story to When Prevent.
Change countdown clock to 1-15-09.
Edit Home Operations to shorten and clarify N1CL
9-19-08 Added headers to Home Operations and News module.
New comment.
Edit Coase article.
9-18-08 More editing Smolin e-mail
9-17-08 Added 5 todos top Home Operations.
Testing Q&A procedures on Marco server.
9-16-08 Better News changed to "BETTER NEWS: How to hold our
lying leaders and newspeople accountable."
9-15-08 rearranged links in Climate Disruption article.
9-13-08 "Better News How to stop news people from letting
"know not true" statements by leaders go
unchallenged." Put "know not true" in red.
Add comment.
9-12-08 Changed top headline to "How to Prove Your Public
Integrity To Anyone."
9-11-08 Changed top headline Front Page to "The N1CL
internet interface is the ONLY Way you can Prove
your Public Integrity. ".
Rewrote top of Home operations.
Added to Eq. Log.
Changed top headline Front Page to "The ONLY Way to
Prove your Public Integrity to everyone on Earth.".
9-09-08 Changed headline Front Page to "The ONLY way you can
prove your Public Integrity over the internet." &
removed paragraph.
9-06-08 Edit 'Scientist explains alternatives' box on p 1.
Added why to 'Where another planet may be' topic.
Edit Where and Why FTL topic.
9-05-08 Add to FTL topic.
Fix full member 'user agreement'.
Add FTL comment to Personal comments.
9-02-08 New topic "Why, How & Where FTL.
Add url to 'Not thinking' block.
8-30-08 Edit 'Einstein article.
Edit "What is required to stop sun from exploding".
Edit Home Page.
Edit 'Who I Have Contacted'.
Edit 'Coase' article.
found Subscription module bug.
8-29-08 Edit January date, it is 15th not 16 182.625 days ]
on page 1.
Edit home page, more deletions and moves to topics.
Edit 'The "Story'.
8-27-08 Edit 'latest news block on Front Page 'Alternatives'
moved 'personal comment'.
8-25-08 Edit 'Who do we need, How can you help.'.
8-24-08 Added benefits to Front Page.
Edit 'Home'. SellSellSell
8-22-08 Edit "What is required to stop our Sun from
exploding?" art.
Edit 'Prevention is Simple box.
Edit 'A-M debt Needed Disconnection.....'.
8-21-08 Edit 'what List is for box.
Edit 'Personal Comment coupling No First Cost Law to
8-20-08 Rewrote 'What List is about Box top Front Page.
Rewrote 'latest news' "The Alternatives",
copy to Headline topic.
3-D measure edit, very interesting tool.
8-19-08 Edit How we Disconnect.
Changed Q&A procedures to 10 minute only to edit an
entry, then record locked.
8-17-08 Edit 'How we disconnect' on Front Page.
Changed title to '8-17-08 How to Measure "Global
Climate Disruption" in 3-D.'.
8-16-08 Change to Personal Comment.
Edit Last Chance to Act.
8-15-08 Spell check Homeostatic article.
Edit Swear honest.
8-13-08 started Swear Honest article on Front Page
8-12-08 Revised Where Planet is topic.
Changed Global Climate Change back to "Global
Climate Disruption"
Revised 'How To Measure Common Good'.
Revise Negative feedback para top Home.
8-11-08 Edit Front Page 'Scientist Warns......' box.
Revised and expanded Where Planet Is topic.
8-10-08 Edit top Home operations on what N!CL does.
Edit 'Three Monkey Topic & added survey.
8-08-08 Added space Weather URL top Global Climate.
Comment that Gulf Stream looks back to normal.
8-06-08 Created Three Monkey topic in my forum
Moved 7-31 to 8-5-08 PC to Personal comment art.
Edit Personal comment
8-05-08 Added to IM on Wormhole remains open all year to
Personal Comments.
Edit and closed 7-31-08 comment Personal Comment.
Worked with Marko on Q&A module.
8-03-08 Put Planet location prediction in a topic.
Added topic URL to Front Page in Scientist gives
Changed Global Climate Disruption to Global Climate
Edit Personal Comments and Prediction.
7-31-08 Put July 16 congress.org to Disconnection URLs.
Removed old 4 day congress.org post.
Post new comment.
7-17-08 Moved 7-16 comment start new.
7-16-08 Moved 7-14 comment start new.
Change Front Page countdown clockj to July 16, 2009
4:32:09 PM.
Rewrote Page 1 headline box
Post to Congress.org Prevention was simple, saving
some is not.
7-15-08 Edit Home Operations.
Spell check Dan's topics.
Move Q&A procedures to top of Home Operations.
Changed Q&A so only question locks entry.
Changed countdown clock to July 16, 2009 in Home.
7-14-08 Copy 7-13-08 Personal Comment to Personal Comment
7-13-08 Move 7-11 comment to Personal Comment article.
New Personal comment.
Edit "Three Monkey Society" comment.
Moved Registration Agreement to topic and put in
New 'Scientist gives Warning' answer.
More spell checking of topics.
7-11-08 Edit Home Oprations.
Fix phi/phi error in e|Phi topic.
Added to Objective measure of Common Good article.
7-10-08 Ran everything through spell checker using Firefox
3.0. Yikes!
Edit Comments.
Changed Front page removed 'else'.
Added "Corrected and Verified" to Page 1 headline.
Rewrote user agreement, will sit on a bit.
7-09-08 Edit top Home Operations.
Add Personal Comment on top Home Operations.
Edit intro Homeostatic article.
7-08-08 Edit Global Climate Disruption intro.
Edit top of Home Operations.
Changed Blog..... title to 7-08-08 Last entry:
Personal Comments.
7-07-08 Edit top page 2.
Added "Register ask questions and help inside." to
page 1 in Scientist gives warning.
Edit Homeostatic... intro.
Added Homeostatic article to Disconnection Url
Removed Fire the Grid url from Disconnection url
Did 8 & 5 soapbox entries at 11:30 PM.
7-06-08 Edit top Page 2
Eq log entry
7-05-08 New entry top Home Operations.
New lead sentence Page 1 "Scientist gives warning".
Edit top Home Operations.
Edit Homeostatic article.
7-04-08 New top page 2.
Create News article, "date/time "Top of "Home
Operations" entries".
Put url of above article just below latest entry.
Changed Homeostasis art. to 7-04-08 Latest entry,
"Homeostatic Measurement of "Global Climate
Disruption". Added para of explanation.
7-03-08 Posted 13 & 7 days left to Soapbox on Congress.org.
Edit Page 2 top para.
My first criticism, mlmn found an error, outstanding!
7-02-08 Posted 14 & 8 days left Soapbox on Congress.org.
Blog entry.
Edit Full Member user agreement to reflect "I
swear..." agreement.
7-01-08 Posted 15 & 9 soapbox.
Rearranged URLs in Links to help disconnect.
6-30-08 Posted below to Soapbox on Congress.org. I will
post it through the 10th, changing only the two
numbers = a countdown.
Changed Page 1, Scientist givew warning.
16 Days Left to Stop Sun From Exploding
Why are we letting the US govt hide E-T ships and technology from us?
Unless Congress and the President act within the next 10 days, we all die on July 16, 2009.
Go to http://www.no1stcostlist.com for more information, to ask questions, and help.
Dan Alter n1cl-1
Fixed register that let people pick a n1cl-# as
handle. We will assign only to paying members.