How To Navigate between Two Sides Moebius Surface
Thursday, July 03, 2008 (14:13:23)
Posted by admin
7-03-08 The clue came from an error pointed out today by mlmn about Phi. Kudos mlmn.
In reviewing the basic math interactions between Phi(1.618) and phi(.618) raised a question: "What are the results of add, subtract, multiply, and divide between phi and Phi that always yield as a result of one or the other, or an increase or decrease of one, e.g. 1.618 to 2.618 etc by a repeated math operation using just phi or Phi.
When you use 1, your base unit equal to the distance between two sides of a Moebius' surface expressed as some percentage of the Circumference of the Moebius; and your initial Moebius' circumference is Planck's Constant; then you can determine this Side to Side width in PC units directly as a function of a Moebius' replication generation. Further, the two Sides of the surface distance must meet these two constraints.
1. Its ratio of S to S/Circumference must always decrease as the generation number increases, and;
2. The absolute S to S width in PC units must increase predictably with generation number.
Ergo, there are present physical constants whose ratios in PC units can be predicted by the generation number of our universe. Right now, a good estimate of our generation numer = number of replications by dividing is about 80.
In short, by predicting accurately the Side to Side width between the two sides of our Moebius' surface is necessary for navigating at FTL using the E-T ships the Disclosure Project witnesses say the US govt has.
I expect some very smart people to say something and help NOW.